Faculty Feedback

Dear Faculty, This feedback is intended to understand your satisfaction level on the academic performance and ambience of our institution. The information provided by you will be used as an important feedback for quality improvement.


Name of the Faculty Desingation
Mobile Number Email ID Year of Feedback


01. The Curriculum gaps are identified, and course enrichment activities are planned for all courses 02. The outcomes expected from the course is well defined and they are clearly described
03. The textbooks and references required for the courses are suggested to the students / Textbooks mentioned in the syllabus is adequate 04. Enough prescribed books are available in the library
05. Workshops, Seminars or Conferences are conducted to increase the interest of students in the subject area 06. The curriculum is appropriate to the expectations of industry
07. Tests and examinations are conducted well in time with proper coverage of all units in the syllabus 08. I have freedom to conduct innovative teaching methods
09. I am encouraged to attend faculty development programmes 10. I am encouraged to pursue research work
11. I am encouraged to publish research papers and attend international/national conferences 12. Consultancy works are supported and encouraged
13. The environment in the department is conducive to teaching and research 14. Infrastructural facilitiesare properly maintained
15. I get enough time to utilise library facilities for deepening my knowledge of the subject


01. Do you have any suggestions for improving the Curriculum prescribed bythe university? 02. Can you suggest any add-on courses or skill development programmes to improve the overall employability of our students.
03. Do you have any suggestions to make our institution more conducive to research works. 04. Do you have suggestion to improve the industry-academia interations to improve the industry readiness of our students?
05. Other comments / suggestions, if any